Our February meeting featured Patrick Strauss Co-founder of Freshconn and Feed the Streets. As his start-up companies gain momentum, their goal is to be able to offer food and produce that is grown or produced within a 30 mile radius to insure freshness and be able to offer it at cheaper prices than other delivery services. Besides some handouts, he also left us with some fresh produce—parsnips and sweet potato’s—to pass out to those who wanted them.

The second part of our program featured a continuation of the “About Me Box”from the January meeting. This program features attendees telling and showing things about themselves like family, sports and other interests in their lives.

It is based upon the fact that even though we see each other each month; we often know very little about each other and this might help “break the ice”as we learn about each other. The goal is to have all present members present their “About Me Box”and as we have new people join the Coalition; they will present their “About Me Box”and we will learn more about them.

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