Ongoing Speakers Bureau presentations continued with Tanja Blicker-Ucran, Deanne Gagne, and Rachel Ferreira addressing The Star (Student Transition to Adult Readiness) classroom in Providence. The inspiring presentation included the personal stories of each presenter as their own work lives evolved, followed by a video highlighting the journeys of others, from schools and internships to part time jobs, and to full time personal success with various jobs in the workforce.
More than 30 students in transition participated in the lively Q&A that followed the video.
They were enthusiastic about the stories shared by featured job seekers in the video and the resulting joy felt by those who followed their dreams. They all eagerly responded to the prospect of their own independence, community, and money.
The leaders asked what the group thought about why people with disabilities are afraid to work, hearing such responses as: because they’re told they can’t do it, or they feel like an outcast, or they will lose their benefits. Some mentioned their concern about the inability to make friends, or even the inaccessibility of the workplace. Included in the discussions were job skills, Including the soft skills, such as communications, networking, and the value of being friendly. Conversations about Job preparation included a review of typical Job interview questions, from explaining their past jobs, to their individual strengths and weaknesses. The informal sharing of tips and practical suggestions was part of the agenda, along with follow-up discussions about who they can ask for additional help. Answers for these student transitioning to adults ranged from their current teachers to the adult Office of rehabilitation, to training programs, to the Dept. of Labor & Training, to the staff at community agencies.